Name matched | Click on matched database for more details |
Prosopis chilensis | Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz WFO Accepted [Fabaceae] |
ICRAF Databases (click here for details)
Agroforestree Database | Prosopis chilensis |
Genetic Resources Unit Database | Prosopis chilensis |
RELMA-ICRAF Useful Trees | Prosopis chilensis |
Tree Functional Attributes and Ecological Database | Acacia siliquastrum Ceratonia chilensis Prosopis chilensis Prosopis schinopoma Prosopis siliquastrum |
Other Portals and Databases (click here for details)
CABI Forestry Compendium | Prosopis chilensis |
ECHOcommunity Plant Search | 36. Mesquite Prosopis chilensis |
eHALOPH | Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz |
Feedipedia | Prosopis chilensis |
GRIN - World Economic Plants | Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz |
New World Fruits Database | Prosopis chilensis |
NewCROP Database | Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz |
Useful Tropical Plants Database | Prosopis chilensis |
Portals specific to invasive species (click here for details)
Record not found
Spreadsheet & Publication Databases (click here for details)
BIOMASS package Wood Density | Prosopis chilensis |
Extrafloral nectaries | Prosopis chilensis |
Global Species Matrix | Prosopis chilensis |
GlobalTreeSearch 1.5 | Prosopis chilensis |
GlobalTreeSearch 1.6 | Prosopis chilensis |
TRY Database | Prosopis chilensis |
World Checklist of Useful Plant Species | Prosopis chilensis |
Search Databases (click here for details)
eFloras | Prosopis chilensis |
EOL | Prosopis chilensis |
Euro+Med PlantBase | Prosopis chilensis |
Global Biodiversity Information Facility | Prosopis chilensis |
GlobalTree Portal | Prosopis chilensis |
IUCN Red list | Prosopis chilensis |
JSTOR Plant Science compilation | Prosopis chilensis |
Palmweb | Prosopis chilensis |
Pl@ntNet | Prosopis chilensis |
PlantSearch | Prosopis chilensis |
POWO | Prosopis chilensis |
PROSEA | Prosopis chilensis |
PROTA4U | Prosopis chilensis |
Species+ | Prosopis chilensis |
Tropicos | Prosopis chilensis |
USDA National Plant Germplasm System | Prosopis chilensis |
WCVP | Prosopis chilensis |
World Flora Online | Prosopis chilensis |